My visit to the Hematologist was what I expected. My hcg levels were at 3,700 and rising, so the Dr. Mahmood told me I would be going on a low dose chemotherapy treatment. I began that treatment on 9/6/13. I had four injections of Methotrexate, the low dose chemotherapy. The first dose was ROUGH. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache; I had it all. The next three doses were much easier, just a little diarrhea, but nothing too bad.
A week after I finished the first round of chemo, yesterday (9/20/13), I went back in to visit with Dr. Mahmood. MY HCG LEVEL IS DOWN TO 95!!!!! Praise the Good Good Lord! Yesterday I also began the second round (4doses) of Methotrexate. Dr. Mahmood believes this will be the last round.
I will go back to visit Dr. Mahmood and test my hcg levels on October 4th.
Please pray that this round of chemotherapy will knock the rest of the hcg levels out and we can move on to the next chapter in our lives.
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